The Department of Educational Studies of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens is committed to providing high quality education to its students, and to develop a creative research and work environment for its staff. Faculty members and the Administrative Staff of the Department commitment to the continuous improvement of teaching, research and services, is a strategic choice of management and responsibility.
The vision of the Department is to continue to serve educational, research, cultural and wider social goals, in liaison and cooperation with Greek and foreign universities, other educational and research organizations and community stakeholders, with a commitment to the principles of scientific ethic, accountability, sustainable development and social cohesion.
The Department of Educational Studies has established and implements a specific quality policy, which is fully linked to the legal and regulatory framework governing the operation of EKPA. Through the establishment and continuous review, redesign and redefinition of quality policy, the Department is committed to achieving even higher performance and a widely recognizable profile.
In the development and implementation of this policy, with the appropriate structures and procedures, participate all the internal actors of the Department (Management Bodies, Faculty Members, EDIP, EIB, Administrative Staff and Students).
The policy of the Department for Quality Assurance and its implementation strategy are implemented through the Internal Evaluation Team (OMEA), in collaboration with the Quality Assurance Unit (MODIP) of EKPA. In order to ensure and continuously improve the quality of the educational and research project, as well as for the efficient operation and performance of its services, the Department of Educational Studies follows and applies the criteria defined in article 72.2 of Law 4009/2011.
This policy mainly supports:
- the organization of the internal quality assurance system of the Department
- the assumption of the responsibilities of the leadership of the Department and its sub-units, the members of the teaching, administrative and other staff and the students, as well as the role assigned to them regarding the quality assurance
- safeguarding academic principles, principles of research ethics and scientific ethics, non-discrimination and encouraging the involvement of external bodies in quality assurance
- the continuous improvement of the teaching and learning provided, the research carried out and the innovation
- the quality assurance of the study program and their formation with the highest international academic standards and the special standard of ADIP
- the efficient organization of all services provided and the development and maintenance of infrastructure
- the allocation and effective management of the necessary resources for the operation and development of the Department
- the rational distribution of human resources, its strengthening for effective coverage of the educational and research needs of the Department and the support in their work.
The main axes on which the policy of Quality Assurance and Improvement of the Department of Educational Studies is built and which are connected and constitute a key dimension of the strategy of EKPA, are the following:
- The continuous reform and improvement of the study program of the Department.
- Enhancing student-centered learning in curriculum design.
- Improving the performance and performance of the students of the Department.
- Reducing the percentage of students who drop out or delay completing their studies.
- The strengthening of the multilevel research project in the Department.
- The production of more and significant impact publications in international scientific journals, collective volumes and conference proceedings with judges.
- The continuous improvement of the working conditions of the scientific and administrative staff of the Department.
- Solving infrastructure problems (eg building problems, renovation, modernization and restructuring of spaces).
- The development of synergies of the Department with other Departments and Schools of EKPA in undergraduate and postgraduate study programs.
- The strengthening of transnational cooperation and research programs that provide for the mobility of students and members of the teaching staff.
- The strengthening of collaborations with domestic and foreign institutions, the diffusion and the strengthening of research projects and wider synergies, as well as the improvement of the production rates of research work.
- The development of extroversion and social action of the Department.
- Attracting high level faculty members from Greece and abroad
- The contribution of the Department to the desired cooperation of EKPA with the authors of the tables of the world ranking of Universities for the better promotion of the Department and EKPA internationally.
- The fastest solution of problems related to the implementation of the administrative project.
- The contribution of the Department to the intended implementation of the measures for the reduction of pollutants and the environmental footprint of EKPA due to its operation.
- The planning and development of actions and initiatives of environmental education, training, awareness and empowerment of students and staff members of the Department and other Departments of EKPA, the educational community of schools and the general public, in matters of environmental quality, climate crisis management.
- The creation of new Postgraduate Programs with emphasis on innovation, interdisciplinarity and interdepartmental / inter-institutional.
- Utilization of alternative sources of funding (participation in international programs, self-funded study programs, sponsorships / donations).
- Improving the organization and delivery of Lifelong Learning programs.
- The continuous organization and implementation of activities of direct and indirect support of vulnerable social groups, both students of the Department and members of its human resources, as well as in the community.
- The utilization of the graduate network of the Department in the service of the academic and social goals of EKPA.
The strategy of the Department for quality assurance and the high level of the titles awarded is determined by the multifaceted effort to ensure the quality and completeness of teaching, to meet the needs of new scientific directions and reflections and to open interdisciplinary and international collaborations in the service.
The results of this strategy are documented in the external evaluation reports, in the detailed information about the goal and the learning outcomes, as they are reflected in the Study Guide of the Department, in the positive evaluations of the students of the Foundation in the courses, in full alignment with the European and the International Standards (ECTS system), in the acceptance of graduates in academic institutions abroad for postgraduate and doctoral studies, but also in their professional rehabilitation and social development.
The Quality Assurance Policy is constantly checked, designed, approved, implemented and reviewed in the context of the operation of the Department omega, while following and promoting the principles of the MODIP of EKPA.