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Department of Educational Studies


Director of Postgraduate Program: Associate Professor C. Parthenis

Deputy Director: Professor A. Gena

The aim of the Postgraduate Program "Theory, Praxis and Evaluation of Educational Work" is to provide high level contemporary postgraduate education in the scientific field of Pedagogy - Educational Sciences. The program specializes in the teaching and evaluation of the three student populations co-educated in schools: a) typical students, ranging in differences and distinctive features (subject of the Specialization "Teaching Humanities and Educational Evaluation"), b) students with distinct cultural differences (subject of the Specialization "Intercultural Education"), c) students with distinct learning and/or developmental problems (subject of the Specialization "Special Education").

In this context, the structure and content of the courses of the Postgraduate Program are articulated in the following three Specializations:

  • Teaching Humanities and Educational Evaluation
  • Intercultural Education
  • Special Education

The duration of the courses, which lead to the Postgraduate Specialization Diploma, is at least four semesters.

Upon the successful completion of the courses (full-time study), the Postgraduate Program awards a Postgraduate Diploma in "Theory, Praxis and Evaluation of Educational Work", specializing in one of the above mentioned specializations.

  • Hundreds of teachers and several (later on) education executives have attended this program.
  • Dozens of its graduates work in public education (with success rates in ASEP competitions up to 50% compared to the 20% average for philologists) and many others work in private education.
  • Dozens of students and graduates have participated in Greek and international scientific conferences and research programs, while several have completed their doctoral studies. A few have pursued academic careers.

More information about the Postgraduate Program:

• in the Government Gazette of the Regulation of the Program

• on its Website

Tel: 210 727 7520 e-mail: thepae [at] ppp.uoa [dot] gr

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