The webinar was organised by the Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) in the framework of the ARSINOE project on 08.02.2023. The NKUA team participated in this event with the following oral presentations: a) “Actions for the integration of citizen science in school Environmental Education for Sustainability in the framework of the European project Cos4Cloud” (Maria Daskolia); b) “Citizen Observatories on the Cos4Cloud project and their potential in school education” (Dimitris Gkotzos); c) “Collaborative design of educational scenarios for the integration of citizen science in school projects of sustainability education with the use of Cos4Coud’s citizen observatories” (Anna Trigatzi); d) “Case study 1: Primary school students discover and observe the human and non-human ecosystem of a wetland using Pl@ntNet and OdourCollect” (Matrona Pappa); e) “Case study 2: With the "first graders" in the National Garden. Students and parents as active citizens register the floral biodiversity of an urban park in city downtown” (Menia Daskalaki); f) “Case study 3: Biodiversity inventory in Parnitha 15 years after the big fire. Climate change education with Pl@ntNet for high schoolers” (Anna Trigatzi); and g) “Environmental Education for Sustainability and citizen science": a new educational network for cooperation and joint action” (Maria Pliota). The webinar was attended by over 60 teachers as well as partners of the Arsinoe project and researchers of the ELIAMEP team. The announcement of the NKUA;s is here.